
Learning a Foreign Language and Grammar

Grammar is similar between languages. It is because it is describing abstract, set-theoretic like, relationships, associations between classes of words and not only between the words themselves. It is this universality of abstract mapping, set-theoretic like associations, relations between classes of words, that needs to be learned so that these abstract constructs can be "filled" later with concrete words. Grammar uses often exotic names for its concepts e.g. Adjective, Noun, Pronoun, Accusative voice, Antecedent, Adverbial Clause, Apposition, Conjunctive adverb, Gerund, Inflection, Participle, Transitive verb. But, don't be alarmed. Grammar needs this names to describe their abstract set-theoretic relations, associations, relations, mapping.  You are after these abstract relations and not about analyzing why the strange and unfamiliar words are used for the relations components. You can create your own grammar by specifying markers, references and postulate, form their ...

Articles Usage in English

 I collected, from a number of web sites, rules how to use articles in the English language.  This is probably the most complete reference you can found on articles. Here is the link :

Animals have intelligence

  Animals have more than what we call instinct. They are able to initiate original actions, thoughts, they can learn. The only limitation they have are evolutionary brain circuits allowing them only certain class of actions. But, their decision how to combine them is #intelligence .

From Electrical Engineering to Our Minds - Multidisciplinary Approach to Music

 From Electrical Engineering to Our Minds - Multidisciplinary Approach to Music

Why Theory of Evolution May Be Wrong?

  Why #Darwin may be wrong? Take #software , for instance. Every program, small, large, games, simulations, applications, can be traced to common ancestor in bits, bytes, design patterns, even to themselves, hence, may be looked at as a product of #evolution . But they are designed for particular application. If analyzed they will have a lot of common parts, and one can even conclude that they evolved one from the other. Also, only the "fittest" software program "survives" as the best fit for the application it was designed for. Just a thought.

The Most Interesting Questions You Can Ask in a Conversation

What's your favorite sport? If you could now the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask? What made you smile today? What makes you smile when you get up in the morning? What would you change in society? What’s your strangest or any hidden talent? What you like the dreams can predict what will happen? What's your story? Which conference would you organize and whom you invite? Where did you grow up? What was the hardest thing you have ever done that required all your intelligence or physical strength and endurance? If you could do anything illegal without getting in trouble, what would it be? Do you prefer to stay in or go out? What absolutely excites you right now? What are you the most passionate about? What was the highlight of your day (week)? What is one of your most defining moments in life? What’s your favorite food? What would you say who understands you the best? Who understands your passion, aspirations the best? 

Acoustics Engineering, Mind, and Implicative Truth Synthesis

Vibrating piston and induced oscillation of elastic air. Air is elastic as you can verify with a simple experiment - block the hose of the bike tire pump and push the handle. You will notice that the compressed air behaves like spring (Beranek, Acoustics). Changing pressure in the air is investigated and analyzed within acoustics engineering. However, there is n no engineering link between engineering loudspeaker or vibrating piston and the mind's interpretation of the sound as music. Unless you consider Implicative Truth Synthesis direction of thinking. Pressure analysis in the air stays within the realm of engineering. For instance, in acoustics engineering or loudspeaker design, the principal concept is pressure. Invention concept is linked to the diaphragm of the loudspeaker moving back and forth thus producing variation in air pressure in front of it, and since air is elastic medium, the wave motion is transferred at the distance, to the ears of listeners where it activates a...