One Approach to Understand Concepts Names in Mathematics
Yes, you can! One of the major hurdles to understand math concepts appears to be, as I call it, the 'misleading language' often used by mathematicians' community. How many times you stared at some mathematical term or equation, and had a feeling you are in front of a wall you are required to climb and go over it, or, even worse, go through it, but you don't have any tools at your disposal to do so? And, perhaps, on top of that, you are pressed by time, for instance during an exam. You felt helpless, with complete absence of any groundbreaking idea how to proceed forward. And, how many times you questioned your mathematical ability by considering your school test results? I have news for you - they are not the only measure of your mathematical powers! So, you are frustrated; you are helpless; even scared what will come if you don't know the math! Well, fear not anymore! I have a remedy for that situation! I have a cannon for that wall! Afte...
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