The Most Interesting Questions You Can Ask in a Conversation

What's your favorite sport?

If you could now the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

What made you smile today?

What makes you smile when you get up in the morning?

What would you change in society?

What’s your strangest or any hidden talent?

What you like the dreams can predict what will happen?

What's your story?

Which conference would you organize and whom you invite?

Where did you grow up?

What was the hardest thing you have ever done that required all your intelligence or physical strength and endurance?

If you could do anything illegal without getting in trouble, what would it be?

Do you prefer to stay in or go out?

What absolutely excites you right now?

What are you the most passionate about?

What was the highlight of your day (week)?

What is one of your most defining moments in life?

What’s your favorite food?

What would you say who understands you the best? Who understands your passion, aspirations the best? 


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